U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Add/Replace Proprietary Names or Importers to Listings

July, 2016

The process of Adding/Replacing Proprietary Names or Importers to Listings can be completed through file upload.

The following options will be available:

This displays the Add/Replace Proprietary names or Importers start screen

Add/Replace Proprietary Names from Active Listings by File Upload - Multiple Listings

After selecting this option, you will see the Upload File screen.

From this screen, you may download a sample Excel spreadsheet to your local drive and upload it with the listing number(s) and proprietary names of your medical devices.

Sample Spreadsheet Columns
This displays the sample spreadsheet columns for Add/Replace Proprietary Names from Active Listings By File Upload - Multiple Listings

Upload File Screen
This displays the Add/Replace Proprietary Names Upload File Screen

Before you upload your spreadsheet using the browse function, please select whether you are adding or replacing proprietary names, and then click Upload.

Note: Please note that choosing to replace proprietary names will remove all of your existing proprietary names for the listing number(s) uploaded, thereby replacing them with the ones in your uploaded spreadsheet.

Add/Replace Clarification
This displays the upload section of the Add/Replace Proprietary Names Upload File Screen

You will now see the number of records being added or replaced. Click Submit if you are satisfied and have verified these records.

Records being uploaded
This displays the records list of the Add/Replace Proprietary Names Screen

A confirmation screen will then be displayed.

Confirmation Screen
This displays the confirmation screen of the Add/Replace Proprietary Names Screen

Add/Replace Registered Importers from Active Listings by File Upload - Foreign Establishments Only

After selecting this option, you will see the Upload File screen. This process will follow the same steps as above.

From this screen, you may download a sample Excel spreadsheet to your local drive and upload it with the listing number(s) and proprietary names of your medical devices.

Sample Spreadsheet columns
This displays the sample spreadsheet columns for Add/Replace Registered Importers from Active Listings By File Upload - Foreign Establishments Only.

Please note, however, that the spreadsheet in this case includes various other columns that are required, such as Foreign Establishment Registration Number, Listing Number, Importer Registration Number, Importer Name, and Importer Address.

Upload File Screen
This displays the Add/Replace Proprietary Names Upload File Screen

Before you upload your spreadsheet using the browse function, please select whether you are adding or replacing proprietary names, and then click Upload.

Note: Please note that choosing to replace proprietary names will remove all of your existing proprietary names for the listing number(s) uploaded, thereby replacing them with the ones in your uploaded spreadsheet.

Add/Replace Clarification
This displays the Add/Replace Clarification of Proprietary Names Screen

You will now see the number of records being added or replaced. Click Submit if you are satisfied and have verified these records.

Records Being Uploaded
This displays the Add/Replace Registered Importers Screen

A confirmation screen will then be displayed

Confirmation Screen
This displays the confirmation screen of the Add/Replace Proprietary Names Screen

Add/Replace Non-Registered Importers from Active Listings by File Upload - Foreign Establishments Only

After selecting this option, you will see the Upload File screen. This process will follow the same steps as above.

From this screen, you may download a sample Excel spreadsheet to your local drive and upload it to the DRLM system.

Sample Spreadsheet columns This displays the sample spreadsheet columns for Add/Replace Non-Registered Importers from Active Listings By File Upload - Foreign Establishments Only.

Please note, however, that the spreadsheet in this case also includes various other columns that are required for Foreign Establishments, such as Foreign Establishment Registration Number, Listing Number, Importer Registration Number, Importer Name, and Importer Address.

Upload File Screen
This displays the Add/Replace Non-Registered Upload File Screen

Before you upload your spreadsheet using the browse function, please select whether you are adding or replacing proprietary names, and then click Upload.

Note: Please note that choosing to replace proprietary names will remove all of your existing proprietary names for the listing number(s) uploaded, thereby replacing them with the ones in your uploaded spreadsheet.

Add/Replace Clarification
This displays the Add/Replace Clarification of Non-Registered Screen

You will now see the number of records being added or replaced. Click Submit if you are satisfied and have verified these records.

Records Being Uploaded This displays the Add/Replace Non-Registered Importers Screen

A confirmation screen will then be displayed.

Confirmation Screen This displays the confirmation screen of the Add/Replace Non-Registered Screen